Monday, March 22, 2010

Our beds are made!

The gardening team met on Saturday to tackle the construction of our three main garden beds. After taking a minute to remember just what we had intended to do with all that wood (...hmmm...), we measured and marked it for cutting. Our aim was to create as much length as possible in each bed, but to keep the widths to about 4.5 feet to allow for easy reaching. With the help of David squared and Greg (husbands at large), we managed to assemble the beds without having to visit Home Depot even once! David S cut our pieces of wood to size and provided additional scrap wood to make reinforcing posts, David B came through with 3-inch screws for connecting the sides, and Greg rustled up some 1/2-inch screen to cover the bottom of the tall bed.

The corners of the main gardening bed were attached with 4-inch framing anchors.

The corners and sides of the tall bed were secured with lengths of treated 2x4. 

The screen was attached to the bottom of the tall bed with staples. 

The completed garden beds were set 32 inches apart.

Voila! Ready to be filled with soil.

Jane expressed some concern that our lettuce and radishes seeds should already have been planted, so we're hoping to get the soil purchased and delivered asap, with planting to commence next weekend. After discussing the best placement of the rhubarb pips, the group decided that Virginia should plant them directly in the ground, in the northeast corner of her own garden. We're hoping this will provide a sunny yet cool location that will allow the rhubarb ample room to spread. Please send positive, nourishing thoughts to our little Southern rhubarb plant!

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