Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Remember Kids: Safety First!

The garden has received several days of steady rain, which has been great for the veggies but not so good for the gardeners, who were left with slippery and treacherous paths between the garden beds. To remedy this, Peggy and Virginia spread several bags of rubber mulch between the beds this afternoon.

We also snipped a few herbs (the basil smells amazing), harvested the rest of the radishes and some lettuce (and replanted both), and thinned out the bok choy to give the remaining plants more room to grow. Salad, anyone?

This is how the garden is looking today - fabulous, no?


  1. duh! i was just going to challenge you to update 'cuz I updated my blog! and you beat me too it. Again...fantastic work hoes!

  2. It's looking good! Wish I lived nearer...

    Karen (Newton!)
